Scholarships & Financial Aid
Thank you for inquiring about scholarships for your child or yourself! We are overjoyed to give financial assistance to members of our community that are interested in the arts. The National Conservatory of Arts offers full and partial scholarships to families based on interest and financial capabilities. Scholarships are available for summer camp or year around performing arts and fine arts classes.
To apply for scholarships, the following must be submitted:
Please send income documentation, and any other questions to
Scholarship application form
Please fill out the application form below.
Essay written by student(s)
Please insert the essay in the text field within the application. The essay should state the following:
The students' interest in the arts and what it means to them.
How the student will use what they learn at NCA to change the world for the better.
Document proving income
Please submit one of the following:
Current year or previous calendar year income tax return.
Unemployment compensation determination letters.
Either of the following:
Documented proof of residence in area of low income.
Written confirmation of use of homeless shelter, written on shelter letterhead.